Monday, July 9, 2007

Emily and the baby

I've been letting the word out about the pregnancy. It's been kind of fun because then I start hearing back from friends who are also pregnant and due right around the same time as me. One of my best friends from high school said she has the same due date (her first), a friend with one Emily's age is due a few days before, and one of my BYU roommates is expecting her second and due in February. It's all very exciting.

So we've been trying to get Emily adjusted to the idea of having a baby brother or sister and she seems to be taking it well but we're unsure if she really understands or not. I was explaining to her how the baby grows in my tummy and now she thinks she has a baby in her tummy, too. When I picked her up from nursery yesterday I was admiring one of the leaders' newborn and Emily exclaimed "I have a baby in my tummy and mommy has a baby in her tummy!" Thankfully I've been telling people so it's not such a shocker...they just laughed. But she'll also pat her tummy and tell us to be quiet because "my baby sister is sleeping." What a riot she is!


Tamara said...

Congrats!!! I am so excited you are having another baby. Kids sure are fun aren't they?

Jill said...

I found you with google. How funny. I was doing a search and did "blogs" and then typed in Boam family.
Love ya,