Thursday, May 1, 2008

Thankful Thursday 3

I was asked to speak in church next week (Mother's Day) so I have been thinking a lot about motherhood lately and many of my dear friends who have been going through some big trials with their families. A husband killed in a car accident. A young son diagnosed with a potentially life-threatening and rare disease. A baby daughter lost just days after birth. An unwanted divorce. A lost chance of having any children, despite wanting them very badly. I have thought about each one of them and how strong they are to keep on going and the faith that they show through the difficult times. I have been really inspired. I don't know why some have seemingly harder trials than others, but thinking about it all I have been more thankful for my own blessings, that I have not been called to have those kinds of trials (not yet, anyway), and especially thankful to know these wonderful women who are examples of courage, strength and faith in their roles as mothers and wives. Ladies, if you read this, I hope you know who you are. I love you!

I am thankful and humbled just to be a mother. I think motherhood is probably the toughest job out there, not to mention the longest lasting, and to be entrusted with raising children is a big thing. I am thankful for my own mother, who taught me more than I could ever try to expound upon, and who is a big example to me of unselfishness and willing service. I am thankful for my grandmothers, who taught my parents to live good lives, so they could teach me. I am thankful to have two beautiful daughters, both healthy and strong. I am thankful for all of my mom friends who share their insights and wisdom with me. I am thankful that even though I feel inadequate as a mother, my three-year-old still thinks I am the best. I am thankful for my knowledge of the gospel of Jesus Christ, and that when my kids ask questions about the eternities, I know what to tell them. I am thankful for friends, relatives, teachers, singing leaders, daycare providers and sometimes even strangers who have taught my daughter and made lasting good impressions on her. I am thankful to know so many amazing women in my life and to be able to learn from their examples and share joys and heartaches with them.

Some of you may remember Julie Beck's talk from the LDS General Conference last October entitled "Mothers Who Know." I am supposed to use some of that in my talk on Mother's Day, so I have been reading it and trying to decide what parts to focus on. I haven't decided which parts yet, but I have thought about all the mothers and good women I know. I think many of you are women who know - you know who you are and you know who God is, and that's what keeps you going. I am thankful for all of you good women out there. May God bless you and strengthen you, as I pray he does me. Thank you all for enriching my life!


amanda said...

Thanks Amy. That was awesome to read. I think you've just written your talk!
I think about these things too. And I agree we gain strength from one another.
Thanks to you for being such a good example. I am so glad to call you my friend!!!!

Elise said...

Yes, you will do great on your talk. What a wonderful heart-felt post. Thank you.